Rocking Out

Weekend Vacation

03/11/2013 22:58

I am going away this weekend with my girlfriend Julie and am really looking forward to it. Her family owns a cabin that is about two hours away that we are going to. I have never been there before but from what she tells me it is very nice. It is fully furnished and has heat and plumbing and everything else that you could ask for. I think the thing I am most looking forward to is there is no internet access up there. She told me that even our cell phones won’t work which is nice but kind of scary too in case there was an emergency. I think that is the only drawback of the whole thing but I’m not going to worry about it. I’m sure we will be fine but I would only be worried if something were to happen to my parents. I told them worst case they can call her parents and they can come get us.

As far as what we are going to do there it will involve a lot of rest and relaxation. I am taking a book that I will probably read from start to finish. There is a grill there that I plan on using a lot too. She told me in the little town near the cabin there is a butcher shop that sells really good meat so we will be stopping there for sure.

I’m just ready to get away mainly because of my job. It has been super stressful lately and it is starting to wear me down. I really hope things turn around soon because if not I might have to start looking for something else. I’m tired of working 60-70 hours each week. I am a salaried employee so I’m not making anything extra for that time either. I think that is so stupid but I knew that when I accepted the job. The thing is I was told that there would only be some days where I had to stay late. I know complaining about my job isn’t what you probably want to hear so I’ll stop.

Anyways I am going to take our camera too and will get plenty of pictures. I’ll make another post when we get back and post some but don’t hold me to when that will be exactly. I know it won’t be Sunday night and then with how work is going it might have to wait until the following weekend.

